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tv   [untitled]    October 8, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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president is reelected for another six years after smashing his nearest rival. on the. british groups. the most vulnerable families.
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city this is. a. celebration as well as incumbent. democrat rival in a hard fought election battle for the country's top job at the polls. prove just how crucial it was for the nation. the city is going wild this is just moments after the venezuelan electoral council announced that who go chavez will indeed be leaving the country for another six years to the fireworks have been going off there's been people driving around in the streets people have gathered on the presidential palace to just celebrate this this victory for who go childless but we do have to keep in mind that this was an incredibly closely contended election the president had won by about fifty four percent of the vote that means about a million vote difference with his opponent in the premiss what's been really
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fascinating to watch especially after coming from the west is the amount of excitement and energy that we've seen on the streets here people have actually taken to the streets at about three am hours before the polls even opened to celebrate to line up while we were covering the actual voting process there were lines going literally around blocks despite that polls have stayed open much later than expected it's been a really really closely contended election and for quite some time it was unclear who would emerge as the winner has been fairly calm right now but again because it's such a closely contested election it's quite possible that we will see tension in the coming weeks and months we have to keep in mind that the inauguration won't happen till january and there's a lot of potential for for the supporters who are discontented with with president chavez to take to the streets we certainly won't see the country calming down anytime soon and for a closer look at what president hugo chavez's victory actually means for venezuelans and why there is such a massive popular support for the president with the following report running water
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electricity and a real home having spent most of her life in venezuela slums these are luxuries that anna silva could only dream of before going to when i got this department i just couldn't believe it i thought my eyes were deceiving me i'm thankful to this government for helping people like me she was able to move her family into this home thanks to a housing program established under president to go childless. it's one of the many projects that is. earned him tremendous popular support among the poor but alienated him from other voters the latter have turned out in droves to vote for him to recruit them premiss a wealthy businessman and a free market advocate who is pushing for more private enterprise and investment critics fear that he would bring an end to venezuela's twenty first century socialism so what we're looking at is an ongoing effort by the old venezuelan ruling class to turn back the clock represents the past represents an attempt to
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move. away from a past that focus is attention on reducing inequality reducing poverty. but whether chavez has addressed that in the best way remains a question dollars having to help bring down the prime rate one of the worst in the world on employment and a stagnating economy has turned many away from el commandante to be a win as well house corruption deficit we are some of the poorest people. childless has been accused of authoritarianism suppressing the courts and silencing critics in the press to. another burning issue in the country is it. among the poor the government does implement measures to support them but there are no jobs for those in the people. they receive government subsidies but there isn't enough investment both government and private to actually provide them with a well paid job instead of just giving financial aid. it for the long neglected
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residents of venezuela slums free services may just trump over freedom this is done as well as body a part of the largest slum in all of latin america thousands of venezuelans who live here have no access to any sort of medical care that is until i solve a social program to open clinics like this one here as well as get access to doctors and medical services free medicine for free here they helped me along and this clinic has helped a lot of people and a lot. children here thank you chairman has done a lot for us those missions are just incredible. these are illegal settlements the shacks and buildings are poorly built and for decades infrastructure was virtually nonexistent most sprawled across the steep hills surrounding caracas lots of people living up in those longs or barrios there used to be no way to get down to the city to find work or go to school simply walking down those hills you think about an hour and how they used to be no public transportation until president bush has
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built these cable cars a little lifeline for venezuela's for life in the slums may have improved but the country still has a long way to go voters have grown frustrated with the declining wages and scarce job prospects and reversing these trends in the next six years won't be easy. venezuela. posting all the latest news and photos for us on twitter so you can follow the latest updates on what she is calling the venezuelan election after party. well as war looms between turkey and syria now after five days of mutual shelling. from the syrian side and now there's a new problem on the horizon for the code of separatists reportedly setting up their own army just across the border in syria. middle east correspondent paula. that said he doesn't seem as if the border tension is easing at all what we've witnessed now is five days of increasing conflict along the turkish syrian border
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at the same time we've seen shelling now taking place from both sides and there's real concern in the region that we could be looking at a full scale war between turkey and syria at the same time it still has not become anybody who exactly is provoking the situation you'll remember that it started last week wednesday when a shell was fired from the syrian side into turkish territory and they were killed five members of the same family now the turkish prime minister erdogan has gone on record by saying that his country is ready for war and this follows the approval of a mandate last week by the turkish parliament in which they did give the green light for cross border operations this they say is to prevent serve a provocation from the syrian side but it's not as if the whole turkish population is behind the prime minister on this issue we've witnessed more than five thousand people take to the streets last week thursday there they were holding cards and chanting no to war in syria is afraid and we've also witnessed similar such
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demonstrations and rallies in smaller cities and towns throughout turkey there have been the renewed clashes on the ground in syria in several cities as well as in several times of the situation inside syria continues to escalate in this meeting eighteen months and more we are also hearing from both the rebels as well as from the damascus government that they are making at vons says but of course it's impossible to verify this information because of the media blackout in that country we're increasingly hearing from many experts who are pointing to the fact that you need to remember that the area in syria from where these waters are being fired into turkey are areas that are being controlled by the rebels and that is why many expert opinions are suggesting that they're being fired deliberately to provoke to key into calling on nato to launch some kind of operation in syria and this is certainly something we've heard from. syrian. rebel leaders they do want to see foreign intervention the irony of the situation though is that we're not receiving
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expert opinion that many of the shells that are being fired from syria are in fact being fired by weapons that turkey provided to the rebels to help them fight the assad regime so you have this law that i want to situation where turkey is being fired on by weaponry itself supplied to the rebels in addition to this we are also now receiving several reports that the syrian army of the kurdistan workers party is holding an army just fifteen kilometers from the takers border now the fighting which is concentrated in northern syria has seen kurds take advantage of the situation never really came to several cities they're. telling me they want independence from damascus but they have also now becoming a problem for turkey turkey of course is no stranger to the kurdish problem just overnight turkey's jets were firing at kurdish turnouts in northern iraq so here too you have a situation where turkey in its assistance to the rebels to fight assad is now having to fight because it's and seen an escalation in that problem as well.
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and on our website right now as the libyan military continues to surround an opposition stronghold leaving the residents of bani walid calling for international rescue i will bring you a firsthand account from within the besieged city. plus a legal anniversary a march marking one year of the worldwide occupy movement and scrolls all the details at all to do on. our. time as it fights a deepening recession of the british government is looking for new ways to slash spending london's ten billion more pounds in the welfare cuts amid an already growing wave of discontent and its authors laura amid reports the poorest families to find themselves in the firing line. children every year is a death sentence this is save the children's usual campaign feeding starving
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youngsters in africa but times have changed and for the first time in its ninety three year history the charity has launched a major fundraising campaign here in britain. as recession hits the u.k.'s poorest children the heart of. the situation is pretty bleak for children and families out there in the children having to go without what we consider some basic essentials for example when they're old now it's even a warm winter these are pretty shocking statistics in the u.k. in twenty twelve and we believe that we really need to take action. for the first time the cupboard is almost bare for mother of three sharon more it's a daily struggle to provide the basics for her kids.
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she's not alone three and a half million children are living in poverty. and a quarter of their parents say they've gone without meals so their children can eat . a child in poverty has to forgo the things other families take for granted eating healthily having a friend round for tea days out natalie mother to two year old noah puts all she can afford into the gas meter but it's still not enough to heat their home it's cold but if they. keep warm in the house and blankets rather than turn the final. so far to charities calculate that the poorest ten percent of society i hate thirty times by government cuts to services the richest ten percent and growing up in poverty puts a child under enormous emotional strain the education suffers even a seclude school and that storing up trouble for the future you have the impact it
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was almost children but it's also a massive impact to society and to our economy and so you know we if. we all of us will have to pay the price in terms of extra spending on education spending on. america will be weaker because you know we'll be losing talent what's the point of slashing the welfare budget if we're going to be paying the price for the increased spending we're going to. save the children hopes to help the worst hit families but this could be a long campaign the institute for fiscal studies says in the next ten years based on current government tax and benefit policies eight hundred thousand more children will be dragged into poverty eradicating all the gains that have been made in the last ten years laura smith london. still to come for you this hour here on our.
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drive for peace u.s. motorcade head of pakistan's most troubled region is stopped just short of its final destination. just a couple of minutes. at a private american company heads to the international space station with its first cargo delivery as it hopes to fill the post shuttle era of a look at how far such missions can go for those businesses craving to get the stop start on twenty four stories after just a short. which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for
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him it's a daily routine that just offers of course a breeder on the island of a horn at the heart of bike all his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses work there sometimes it gets lonely here but the horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes the. it's part of my every day life. i'll holmes been home to a rats local just laugh for centuries most still live off the land cattle and fish. if my call is often called the pearl of siberia a horn is said to be the pearl of by. it's all end of think forests. and vast stops. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly becoming
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a magnet for nature lovers and curial seekers you're quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can't. get about a t.v. or even run in water for most people a tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. and sure need to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it can be coming back again and again. culture is that so much going to be a huge music history the power on the market when is the real levy and the strategy of the u.s. led mission in afghanistan is in a shambles green on blue attacks against coalition.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations to rule today. thanks for joining us today on rory sushi and the pakistani military has blocked a thousand strong and see us motor convoy on its way towards a volatile tribal belt of the motorcade led by cricket legend an opposition front man imran khan was headed to south waziristan the region most frequently targeted
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by u.s. drone strikes they were going though to stage a mass rally against american missiles the convoy was joined by dozens of foreign peace activists robert naiman list of u.s. foreign policy who took part in the two day protest says washington's current stance borders on lawlessness. just about every expert in international law outside the united states will say that it leaves that there are at least some aspects of the current policy which are clear violations of international law the bureau of investigative journalism in the u.k. has count at somewhere between four hundred and eight hundred civilian deaths since two thousand and four from u.s. drone strike has between fifteen and thirty percent the un special rapporteur tour on extrajudicial execution said that you know if these reports are true about what the u.s. is doing they would constitute war crimes the pakistani parliament passed unanimously
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a resolution demanding that these drone strikes stop and every pakistani official says that pakistan is against us we have nothing to do with this we're not supporting this or indoors the u.s. government must be called to account internationally and domestically and explain why they think their policy is legal under international law under u.s. law come clean about the issue of civilian casualties and their own the u.s. is critical of this unilateral definition for its own purposes of what a civilian is of course there's no there's no permission in international law to do that. and staying in the region a new report on afghanistan predicts that nato troops leaving the country could mean a government collapse and even civil war the brussels based international crisis group also says that the next presidential polling two years when the alliance plans to leave will be a fraud the afghan government has labeled the predictions as quote garbage this
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comes as the war goes into its twelfth year the taliban issuing a statement that the coalition is on the verge of defeat and it's quote fleeing in she merely age. also in the world of data wiki leaks editor julian assange has hired lawyers as he considers suing the australian prime minister for defamation that will supply came claims that julia dillard's past comments have dealt his website irreversible damage that's being felt today in two thousand and ten the australian prime minister called the release of a secret documents utterly irresponsible assad has been holed up in acquittals and missing in london since june to avoid extradition to sweden if it is that could lead to a further transfer to the us where he may be wanted for his work on the wiki leaks . now a california based firm has successfully launched its first supply flight to the international space station with a one point six billion dollars contract signed space-x.
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is also working on changing its vessel into a space ship capable of carrying its astronauts when necessary shuttle fleet was retired in two thousand and eleven russia's progress and soyuz ships used to be the only way to reach the i assess this but it's dry as we can from secure world foundation explains that a private business is still need to prove they can compete with the state run organizations. in certain areas for example for basic transportation to and from the space station these days commercial private companies can provide its meters and competition but there are other areas you know long term exploration of the moon and mars and beyond where for the time being you're probably to still see a lot of state run companies space x. still has a long ways to go before it can prove that it can carry humans safely to and from the our sister station base travel is not a cheap endeavor and as we've seen you know the world's going through some tough economic times i think for the time being you're going to see
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a renewed effort to try and get more use out of the enough to space station through the rest of its life time and then i think you're probably going to see some international some cooperate of missions that look at what the next step is for how to get gas that would probably be back to the moon. let's get some business with marina hello marina hi rorie of our of course the days are going to nord stream and it's really you know and basically what's changed from the launch of the first gas pipeline is the fact that now the no one stream project has managed to double its capacity to fifty five billion cubic meters of gas per year and our very own the medium of the demagogue is there for us with all the details. the main goal of this whole project nord stream which cost seven and a half billion euros and was five years in the making was to buy transit countries like belarus and ukraine which at times have proven to be not so reliable as for
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russia but the sudden issues however with this. gazprom right now is proving itself once again as a reliable partner to europe ensuring direct supplies while europe has launched an anti-trust probe against gazprom and it wants to change the way gazprom operates in europe north stream a.g. the company operating this project has confirmed to us that the first line was only used up over the first year of the project around thirty to forty percent gazprom has been struggling to adjust its prices to meet european demand europe right now is complaining that russian gas is too expensive so basically gazprom will probably need to provide some kind of concession to europe in terms of prices and in fact it's already doing so we will have to of course wait and see as to where how and when supply will meet demand but the capacity at least is already there. all right
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now let's look at some international markets. where the focus is on the euro zone finance ministers meeting later in the day in luxembourg and the focus is in greece and what i will manage to get the second day and also spain and this financial health. and. a half a percent now if we move on and take a look at currencies we'll see that the euro is still weak and against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the same picture as this morning and it's weakening against the currency basket moving on to the russian markets which are tracking the losses overseas they said you know r.c.s. over one and a half percent but that's also due to lower oil prices which are an illusion for the second day in a row right now right now same with the markets and russia and protect. or russia oriented funds received the most cash among the emerging nations last week a margin profile of fund research says one hundred seventy million dollars was invested into the country and analysts explained that russia's undervalued stocks
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offer a growth potential that's a medical thing. also the world bank has released its forecast on the russian economy saying it will slow down over the next year growth of the g.d.p. will go from three and a half percent this year to three point six percent in two thousand and thirteen that's as a result of droughts in the agricultural sector rise in inflation and weak global sentiments wallbank also said the main risk to russia's economy remains a drop in oil prices if supply the services in the middle east declined or the global economy slows down. and that's how business looks this hour up next r t talks the billionaire and presidential election hopeful frank store in our strong i should say who basically tells us what needs to be done in his native australia to escape the fates of the austerity burden neighbors that's coming up.
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well the true science technology innovation hall believes developments from around russia we've got the future covered. sigrid lumber tour. was able to build a most sophisticated robot which fortunately dorna found anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. to see a story. you think you understand it and then something else. and realize everything is. welcome to the big picture.
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wealthy british style holds. the title of. markets and. find out what's really happening to the global economy. financial headlines to two name .
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i'm joined today by frank stronger the billionaire founder of the largest car park manufacturer in north america he's now turned his hand to politics in his native austria and hopes to stand in the general election in a country next year mr straw act thanks very much for talking to me nice to be here now tell us a little bit more about this political party that you've established for first or for my friend frank are you crazy to be our seven years eighty years old young but never the less certain a child well the two i don't need anything from anyone i just want to serve i was born in austria so i have roots here and want to surf there are people to bring a better system to the austrian people get a better future we've been described as something of a euro skeptic it's not fair.


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